janey-jane on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/janey-jane/art/New-Who-245740054janey-jane

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janey-jane's avatar

New Who



It seems like most Whovians have a favorite Doctor, and often a favorite companion - but during a conversation with ~Jb-612 it occurred to me that I don't have favorites for this show. My favorites are usually whichever doctor/companion I've been watching most recently (Even when I go back and watch classic Who I get attached).

I love them all, and I wanted to draw them all - the three new Doctors and their primary companions (no whinging if I left out your favorite secondary companion. I love Jack as much as the next girl, or guy, or gender indeterminant alien being - but THIS took forever without adding more people in).

I'm super excited that people love Oswin/Clara because I love her too! But...I'm not going to be adding her to this image. I knew when I drew it that it would quickly be out of date, this is often the nature of fanart. ♥
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1200x950px 857.1 KB
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agosiciliano's avatar

My favorites are usually literally minor characters who appear for really little like vince hawkins or luvic of traken